Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wedding Bells

It's been awhile since i've blogged, lifes been passing us by faster than we can catch-up. In July scott's brother Derek married Danni Easthope at Noahs, what a beautiful place that was the ceremony was outside and the family dinner and reception were inside. We welcome her and her son Jareth to our family. It was a great party we danced the night away so fun since we don't get to do it often, they had a band named Cloud 9 that kicked butt all generes of music everybody would love. Congrats Derek and Danni, we wish you both the best of luck in your new life together!!! Scott and his niece Sydney dancing the night away

Scott and his mom taking a slow dance how often is it you get that one dance with your mom


The Bride and her son having their last dance

The bride and groom having their first and probably last dance together LOL im kidding

Me and my son Braken oh how we danced swaying back and forth

Clint and his daughter Sydney dancing

Grandma Cynthia and Payton dancing their totally cutting the rug

Me and my sweet husband having our wedding day dance we never got, LOVE IT

POSE and smile for the camera, i don't get pictures of myself often so I had to post it.


Me, Cynthia, Lindsay

I love this man

daughter and mom

Groom and mom

Me and my sweet boys I Love So Much

My Boys that mean the world to me

havent had a picture like this of us since our wedding 10 years ago, wow that seems like forever when I say that

again haven't had a brother picture like this for 10 years, seems like not much has changed other than people in our lives i guess
Scott, Derek, Clint

The fam damily


The whole family together


1 comment:

  1. What fun! ^_^ So weird... I googled my name and found your blog since you have Derek and I listed as non-blogger family. ^_^ At any rate, I'm following you now (mwahahaha). I have a blogspot too, if you want to check it out. ^_^ http://blargeda.blogspot.com
    It's not family stuff. It's just venting stuff. And there's not much there yet. lol... Anyways. Hi! Love the pics from the wedding!
