Thursday, July 14, 2011


Pictures are such a treasured memory you would think you would get them done like at least twice a year right? Well in our family getting family pictures is like pulling teeth, so to get to the point we never get them done. Since Scott has changed careers and now has a desk he sits at, me and the boys figured for Fathers Day we would update his pictures (since the last professional pictures of our boys were taken payton was in diapers hahahaha not kidding) so we surprised him (which is hard to do) with updated pictures. We went to FotoFly in draper and they were awesome, they were so good with the boys and very patient and knew exactly what props to use and what's in style, our experience was great and I definatley would go back. Hopefully our next family pictures can be done there, I wonder if they take reservations 3 years in advance, lol! kidding!! Hope you enjoy them as much as we do.


  1. They are SO darling, I LOVE them.. You look SO great- where did you get your cute outfit! I love your face and I have thought SO much about you. Darling pictures, I hope Scott was happy Ü

  2. Cute pictures!!! Your boys are getting so big!
