Thursday, February 9, 2012

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

I love Christmas so much but for some reason this year I wasn't feeling it. Don't know my reasons but i'm sure it's many in one emotion. I was excited but at the same time didn't really care if anything got done or wrapped. I was totally bah hum bug this year which bugs myself because I'm not usually that way and I just couldn't kick it this year. It came and gone fast like it does every year you can hardly enjoy it, it seems like. We had scott's sister Lindsay over this year and she spent christmas with us which it was nice to have her around. The boys and I were spoiled like always, santa never misses our house so we must be doing something right in our lifes maybe. The boys never really had one big thing this year cause it was all big from an xbox to ipod touches, to new clothes, to pictures of their grandma cynthia with them (tear, tear)so they were covered across the board, even the dog Zoey got some treats and toys from santa, ooohhh pretty girl is being a good girl, I guess. So I hope you all enjoyed your Holidays like we did. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOUR FAMILY FROM OURS: THE STOCKING'S

Look at that mess, really?

there's my boys, I love them so much

Colie Man at grandma and grandpa Blackham's house for Christmas


Grandpa and Grandma Tuttle

I got this sofa table for my birthday, happy birthday too me

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to YOU! We need to do our McDonalds run ASAP!!! I am glad you blogged- I miss your cuteness. Also, is Lyndsey (?) Is that her name? Is she dating anyone? I need to set her up with my awesome brother. I hope you had a great Christmas, I was just talking about you today to Shawn.. CRAZY!!
