Friday, August 31, 2012

Random August Pictures

BaBy KeNnEdY is getting so big, it's too bad when you want them to stay little they grow like a weed and when their big and don't want them to get bigger they stop growing what's up with that? She's too cute, and I love kissing her little chubby cheeks

He is a geek

Braken trying to cut watermelon

The diving boards are the fun new thing to do when swimming. believe it or not a couple years ago Payton would not get off the steps of the swimming pool at Grandpa Clints pool or do anything in the water at that. We figured it was going to be a long road down to swimming lessons to get Payton to enjoy the water and play in it. We went to huntington beach back in 2009 and Payton wouldn't go in the ocean but to wet his feet off from the sand being on it, he would stay in the shallow shore and it was miserable to say the least because we all wanted to swim but couldn't because of him. So the thought came that if we let him swim at Grandpa's house without us then he could learn at his own discretion and grandpa and Vera could help him because he listens to them better sometimes lol so that's what we did for 2 years and we were absolutely amazed at the change, obviously. Our trip to Jamaica at the beach last year was a joy because he was comfortable in the water, he swims like a fish now, dives for things , and has finally swallowed his fear of the diving board and absolutely LOVES IT now. It paid off thank goodness and he's a better swimmer than I ever dreamed of being. were so proud of him


Scott bowling at Jareth's birthday party

Me at the Utah Havoc yard sale, and yes Im dressed up because that's what I do! GOTTA LOVE IT BABY

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